
Refrigerated LPG loading/unloading system using a calm buoy

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

The paper presents the work carried out to establish the feasibility of an offshore refrigerated LPG loading/unloading system. In particular the work covers studies and performance tests on hoses, swivel joints for low temperature, sealines and a specific study on a LPG buoy.The main objectiveof the development work carried out on this WPG loading system is to replace the standard harbour structure. The use of such a system would provide a greater flexibility regarding its location, low development cost and better safety.Moreover, certain components developed and tested could be used for developing and producing offshore associated gas fields.The paper will describe :- The basis for calculating the dimensions of the loading system, and the corresponding transfer studies.- The design, dimensions, choice of materials {or the various different links in the transfer chain Sealine .- SPM -- LPG - Hoses.- The results of one of the main tests which were conducted in the project: the low temperature tests according to which the seals and a LPG swivel joint for CALM Buoy are selected.The results of the studies are nearly complete and the results of tests show that practical application such as an industrial prototype could be considered in the not too distant future.

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