
Reinforced Composite Mat innovative Technology, A proven Solution For Lost Circulation Control In Duri Field, Sumatra Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Data analysis done in year 2011 by both the Duri field Operator and Schlumberger confirmed the need to improve the practices in combating the loss circulation challenges in the Sumatera fields. Direct consequences of the past practices are loss of drilling efficiency, and costs associated to the lost time of drilling, loss of mud and Lost Circulation Material (LCM) pills. As a highly probable consequence, due to losses while cementing, casing cementing success criteria are in jeopardy which can often lead to loss of zonal isolation, top of cement or well integrity. During year 2012 a field evaluation of a newly developed reinforced composite mat fiber and granule based loss circulation solution was initiated to validate its efficiency in curing the losses while cementing and while drilling. This evaluation was originally intended to be applied on wells in the Duri area and horizontal wells for an evaluation over a planned 10 wells (5 where the technology would be applied as a pill to mitigate against losses while drilling and 5 where it would be applied to mitigate against losses, as a spacer before the cement job in order to help bringing cement back to surface). In fine, over the first 11 month of year 2012 a total of 20 wells were treated, 18 wells as a spacer ahead of cement and 2 wells as pills used for treating losses while drilling The number of wells treated increased drastically due to the 54% success rate measured by the ability to bring cement back to surface without the need for remedial work. Other LCM remedies used over the past few years in this field showed a success rate of 2% with the same criteria. This paper analyzes the case at hand and shows quantitative results achieved mitigating lost quantitative results achieved mitigating lost circulation challenges with a reinforced composite mat with dual fiber technology and an optimized solid package as an innovative Loss Circulation Control Solution system and its operating principles.

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