
Responsive Drilling Performance Enhancement through Rigorous Measurements of Rig Activities – A Case Study from Oman

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The development of the well performance delivery through daily optimization was required to optimize the old performance of the rig crew and drilling operation string. Hence, the drilling crews require more detailed information of their performance, in order to proactively develop best practices to improve efficiency. This was initially started inside an operating company to implement a monitoring and improvement process for all drilling operations and following up drilling contractors through operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The improvements in data processing techniques provide the technologies to enable measuring rig activities through real-time rig sensor data. Therefore, a setup of a real-time measurement tool based on automated rig activities detection technology is established and a measurement process was started. The results of the measurement process, after an initial evaluation period of approximately 1 month, exposed the savings potential by identifying Invisible Lost Time (ILT). An approach of sharing relevant information between all members of the drilling crews on daily basis, defines a continuous improvement process, where the rig activities from the previous day and for the upcoming day are discussed to derive learning and translate them to immediate action. Sharing the output results from the analysis encourage the rig contractor to acknowledge their optimum performance more and deliver the well safely. The drilling crews understand how the performance is measured, and they are involved in the definition of targets to improve efficiency with a focus on consistency, rather than speed. They were able to accomplish drilling operations meeting the expected target and in some cases surpassed the defined targets. As an example, the result of applying this agile and collaborative process, an improvement of “Weight to Weight” times between 45% and respectively 25% was achieved for two rigs, which reflects an actual saving up to 7% of the total well delivery time. The drilling crews created measurable savings equal to one average total well duration in the one year of operation.

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