
Revegetation activities to reclaim abandoned SLS gas field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

The South LhokSukon (SLS) gas fields were developed starting in 1997 to provide gas for the PT. Arun, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant. The SLS gas fields have matured and this area was chosen as the first area to be reclaimed. Site reclamation planning was initiated as part of the end of field life program.The aim of the program is to return the functioning of this disturbed land as close as possible to its previous environmental condition by establishing sustainable native plant communities. Through this program, it is expected that the disturbed land can be re-stabilized, improved soil productivity, recovered local native species biodiversity and wild life habitat.The Specific Site Unit Area (SSUA) methodology was used as an approach in delineating the disturbed land. Representative soil samples were collected from each SSUA using standard methods to analyse the soil physico-chemical properties and determine soil constraints and the status of soil fertility.A reclamation model was set up by designing and establishing pre-selected native species. Criteria for trees species selection included well-adaptive native species that are relatively fast growing, having catalytic function, and producing abundant easily-decomposed litter. About 18,500 trees from sixteen native species were identified, selected and planted in the area.The success of this program will be evaluated based on the status of plant survival rate, plant growth performance, presence of natural seedling recolonization and the rate of decomposed litter. Currently, we are in the phase of maintenance and monitoring the planted trees. The maintenance activities include replanting of dead seedling and re-fertilizing poor seedling. The initial assessment indicates that the survival rate of planted native species is varied.

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