
Sand control in Balikpapan Bay fields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 26th Ann. Conv., 1998

Most fields in the Balikpapan Bay region of East Kalimantan are in young reservoirs in which the reservoir rock is an unconsolidated state. Sand production is one of the concerns during the exploitation of the fields. Sand control has been extensively used to control sand production in order to effectively produce the oil and gas.This paper covers several different techniques used to control sand production in the Balikpapan Bay fields and makes a comparison of the following techniques slurry pack, water pack and resin sand consolidation. It also includes a general description of the techniques covered.A brief review of the design considerations in selecting an appropriate tecnnique used in each case will also be discussed. This includes a review of the different reservoir characteristics and procedural requirements.Whether a decision was made to control sand production through controlling the production rate or through mechanical means (running screen and gravel packing using slurry pack or gel pack, or using resin sand consolidation), the evaluation of sand control technique selection is a controversial topic. Most of the time, logistics constraints dictate the choices available for sand control. Careful planning and forward thinking helps in making the correct decision, thus increasing the success rate of the job execution and completion performance.

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