Seismic lineament analysis of a fractured limestone reservoir in the Ujung Pangkah field
Year: 2011
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011
The Ujung Pangkah field is predominantly afractured limestone reservoir of early Miocene age,that has undergone several stages of deformation,both extensional as well as compressional. Thefractures observed are attributed to these differingdeformation styles. The fractures are suspected tobe contributing to the current production history.The datasets available (borehole image logs , monoand cross dipole sonics, VSPs and 3D seismic) tocharacterize these fractures are either very local innature or compromised by noise to differingdegrees. Once we have reprocessed the 3D seismicattempting to reduce as much as possible theinterfering phenomenon of statics and noise, weused different techniques (hand picking on horizonsand auto-picking on continuity cubes) to generatelineament maps on and near our zone of interest.Lineaments though common in surfaceinterpretation are less common in subsurfaceapplication. Statistics from these lineaments (dipdirection and density) are generated. These arecompared to our current understanding of thereservoirs structural history and more concrete localfracture/fault picks, mostly from borehole imagelogs, to ground truth the lineament interpretation. Aqualitative comparison shows good agreement. Theresulting fracture density maps are then used to helpplace wells within our reservoir away from fracturezones.
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