
Seismic processing strategies in the deep water Kutai basin - Gendalo Hub pre-stack depth migration

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011

Reservoirs in the deep water Kutai basin include Miocene and Pliocene age lower slope stacked turbidite channel and channel levee systems, and basin floor fans. Seismic imaging of those reservoirs must overcome several challenges, including:1. Strong and complex multiples2. Structural over-print and amplitude distortion induced by a rugose water bottom3. Energy and bandwidth loss associated with a complex overburden section, which includes gas hydrates and channel featuresRecent developments in seismic processing technology, in both pre-processing and migration stages, have aided our ability to successfully overcome these challenges. Seismic processing flows are now much more effective in removing various types of multiples before migration. Prestack Depth Migration is enhanced with anisotropic capability, allowing use of velocity models with directional as well as lateral and vertical variation, to yield superior images and tie well information.This paper will highlight examples showing successful application of these new technologies in the Gendalo Hub area of the deepwater Kutai basin.

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