
Seismic stratigraphy of Eocene Beriun sands of West Bungalun, East Kalimantan, Indonesia : a contribution to the Paleogene stratigraphical knowledge of the Kutei basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., International Symposium on Sequence Stratigraphy in SE Asia, 1996

The Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan, is the largest and deepest Tertiaq basin in Indonesia The basin was fornied in the early Tertiary and contains up to 12,000 meters of sediinents in its deepest part Basin subsidence during the early Eocene to early Oligocene resulted in the accumulation of a generally transgressive sequences of sediments throughout the Kutci Basin In the latest Oligocene, regressive deltaic sedimentation began and became the dominant depositional regime in the basin These Neogene deltaic deposits constitute the reservoir rocks of the prolific fields 111 the Kutei Basin However. hydrocarbon accumulations haw never been discovered 111 the Paleogene sediments of the Kutei Basin, although Paleogenc accumulations occur in the Tanlung Field in the adjacent Barito Basin to the south According15 thc Paleogcne sediments of the Kutei Basin ha1 e not been extensively studied.The Eocene Beriun sands of thc West Bungalun area. Northeast Kutei Basin. are the reservoir-quality rocks equil alent to the 11) drocarbon-bearing Tanjung sands of the Barito Basin Multiple vintages of seismic data (1971-1993) were used to releal the subsurficial nature and distribution of the Beriun Fonnation. On seismic data, the Beriun sands can be recognized by their distinctive amplitude and velocity characteristics, as compared to other units within the formation. Seismic stratigraphic interpretation shows that the Beriun Fonnation consists of at least three seismic stratigraphic sequences. Deposition of these sediments was contemporaneous with, and affected by, growth faulting, resulting in varying sedimentary thicknesses laterally. Based on this seisinic sequence study, we suggest that the Beriun sediments were deposited as fan delta deposits in an extensional tectonic regime This study supports that the Beriuii sands are potential reservoir rocks in the Kutei Basin.

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