
Serang field re-evaluation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

The Serang structure was thought to be noncommercial after it was drilled on its apparent crest in 1973. In 1989 reinterpretation of the 2-D seismic led to the drilling of 4 delineation wells in 1990 and 199 1. The structural interpretation was significantly revised after each well, casting doubt on areas outside the well control. The field was declared commercial based on the delineated area. 3-D seismic was acquired in 1991 to assist with development drilling and to improve structural imaging.Even with 3-D seismic, mapping is a problem due to a lateral velocity anomaly related to a major fault and to lithology variations across this fault. A velocity model was constructed to reconcile this anomaly. The resultant depth structure map, confirmed by development drilling, proved a northern field extension.The sediments of the Serang Field belong to the Late Miocene hlahakam Deltaic System, and are equivalent to those of Attaka Field. Reservoir modeling of the Main Deltaic's largest reservoir was performed from the initial appraisal to the development stage and is presented to compliment the evolution of the Serang structural interpretation.

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