
Small-Scale Cycle Identification of Miocene Carbonate Slope of Kalapa Nunggal Formation for Subsurface Uncertainty and Heterogeneity Consideration

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Miocene Carbonate reservoir has become the main target for oil and gas production since the early 2000’s in the North West Java Basin. There are several technical issues in producing hydrocarbon from this interval during the exploration and production phase: lithological complexity, and reservoir heterogeneity. 3D seismic surveys, and advanced well logging technology has been applied in this area to understand the source of the issues which have shown some good results, however the result might not be as good as information captured directly from outcrops. The Kalapa Nunggal Formation Outcrop is one of many Miocene carbonate complexes that were deposited in the Bogor Basin that have exposure over several Kilometers scale due to mining activity. Preliminary investigations show that the northern part of the carbonate complex is mainly composed of carbonate slope deposits ranging from reef to slopetoe facies. Several small-cycle deposition packages have been identified in this area, which are marked by changes in facies. Textural variation has been preserved along one small-cycle, as well as its quantitative properties, such as porosity and permeability which control fluid flow characteristics in subsurface conditions. This research aims to show possible complexities that might occur in a Miocene Carbonate Slope complex, and the implications in hydrocarbon exploration and production using Kalapa Nunggal Outcrop as the analogue. The method that will be used in this research is stratigraphic framework building, mineralogy analysis, and reservoir quality assessment in Kalapa Nunggal Slope Facies.

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