
Stimulation treatment design optimization through the use of a nodal analysis program

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

One of the most common problems associated with Indonesia well performance is the existence of high wellbore skin factors. The accurate identification and quantitative analysis of these skins are extremely important in the design and evaluation of a stimulation treatment.A nodal analysis program, has been utilized to optimize oil and gas well performance by analyzing the complete producing system which is broken down into various components including skin factor which, in turn, is broken down into several components. From this analysis, well productivity with reduced skin factors can be predicted and proper stimulation treatments aimed at specific skin components can be designed.The program has been used very effectively in identifying and analyzing skin factors of many Indonesia producing wells including open hole, cased hole and gravel pack type completions.The paper will present (1) a brief description of the theory behind the program, (2) the successful application of the program including several Indonesia case studies.The importance of this paper is to present a new technique to analyze the skin component of a well, and to use the analysis in effective stimulation design.

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