Study and Assessment for Landslide Mitigation that are a Hazard to Pipeline Overstress
Year: 2009
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 33rd Ann. Conv., 2009
This paper discusses how to mitigate landslide problems that have occurred in areas along the Vico Pipeline Right of Way (RoW). The geotechnical survey and analysis has been carried out by Vico with the assistance of a Consulting Company. The objective of the work is to provide appropriate designs to minimize the risk of pipeline damage from landslides. The specific scope and aims of the works are: to identify and document the potential of landslide locations, to evaluate movement direction and to predict the stress level in pipelines, provide predictions as to whether this will cause the pipelines to rupture, and finally to provide the correct and appropriate concept design for landslide mitigation. The landslides are a type of soil creeping, which is moving at a very slow rate. Therefore, it is difficult to identify, especially with the frequent activities of earthwork/ground disturbance on the RoW. Several mitigation methods have been applied : Stress relief excavation for the affected pipelines is required to release the induced stresses towards the pipelines and to return the pipelines condition to its elastic condition, and re-align it as near as possible to its as-built position. The subsurface drainage is designed to effectively lower the groundwater level. Sloping and reshaping is also conducted to reduce landslide potential. Retaining structures are sometimes required in particular areas with abrupt slopes, to reduce the sliding force effect towards pipelines. Further, long term monitoring may be needed in the future as part of a risk mitigation program. The results of some of the mitigation projects that have been completed at various locations, shows that the designs result in reducing the potential of landslide and minimize the stress on the pipelines caused by landslide. The final objective of this landslide evaluation is to formulate early protection of the pipelines to avoid stress damage caused by landslide.
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