
Successful and prospective exploration play concepts of Indonesia: lessons from history and recent progress – anticipating future challenges

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Geologically, Indonesia occupies one of the most complicated areas on Earth. This tectonic setting provides Indonesia with numerous sedimentary basins and interbasin areas where petroleum accumulations are either proven or possible. Controlled largely by different geological histories from Western to Eastern Indonesia, the pattern of petroleum accumulations differs across the archipelago. Indonesia may also be the most diverse petroliferous countries in the world with at least 50 proven petroleum systems. This paper will regionally review the successful exploration play concepts applied in Indonesia for it’s almost 130 year-history of petroleum production. The successful play concepts can be applied in areas with similar geologic histories but less explored. The paper also discusses prospective play types in Indonesia that are only just proven or not proven yet, but their presence are indicated by numerous seeps. This regional review will provide us with lessons of the history on exploring hydrocarbons in Indonesia, and their application for anticipating future challenges. To remain viable, companies will have to explore. “When no man any longer believes more oil is left to be found, no more oil field will be discovered, but so long as a single oil-finder remains with a mental vision of a new oil field to cherish, along with freedom and incentive to explore, just so long new oil fields may continue to be discovered” (Pratt, 1952).

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