
Successful hydraulic fracture treatments in the Anoa field, Natuna Sea, Indonesia (a case study)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

The removal of near wellbore formation damage through matrix acidizing is normally adequate to optimize a well's productivity. Under certain conditions matrix acidizing is not sufficient to accomplish this objective. In these instances, properly designed high conductivity fracturing treatments are often successful. Prior to this case study, high conductivity fracture procedures had not been attempted in remote offshore locations in Indonesia. This paper presents the design methodology used for two fracture stimulations in the Anoa field, located in the Natuna Sea and operated by Amoseas Indonesia. Computer simulation, supported by on-site stress test , and fluid calibration data, was used to model the desired fracture treatment design. Both fracture stimulations were successfully executed resulting in significant long term productivity increases. Fracture model validation through evaluation of post treatment production and transient analysis is presented to demonstrate the success of fracture stimulation treatments.

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