
Supervisory control and data acquisition system for electrified oil fields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

About ninety six percent of oil production from PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI)s operating areas in Riau (Central Sumatra) depends on the reliability of a power generation and transmission system which spans over 2,000 km of a jungle environment. As part of an effort to minimize loss of oil production, in 1984 CPI began designing and installing a Supervisory Control and Data Acqoisition (SCADA) system to monitor and control its power generation and transmission operation. The implementation of the SCADA system provides production surveillance benefits in the form of increased revenues through continuous and better management of electric power resources.Designed to improve power grid reliability, the SCADA system consists of a Master Station and 50 Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) spread throughout areas of operation. The system installed applies a new concept of distributed computer system, made up of micro computers with specific functions. This paper addresses the technical and operational requirements for the system. The discussion also includes benefits of the distributed computer system over a centralized system and anticipated benefits for monitoring of power generation and management reporting.

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