
Technology transfer in operations engineering : training and developing effective national engineers

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Technically effective National engineers are developed from college graduates in three to five years by intensive technical exposure both on the job and in the classroom. Engineering supervisors require two to five additional years of development and exposure. The Operations Engineering Department at Atlantic Richfield Indonesia., Inc. is in its fifth year of an intensive Indonesianization program. Program details and results are discussed. New National engineers are recriited from local universities. Typical degrees are Petroleum, Chemical, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering. A highly selective interviewing, testing, and screening process assures ARII of obtaining the most talented candidates for the training program. New hires undergo an intense 16 month training program, consisting of three months class room technology, f o x months field work in drilling and production, four months English language, and a five month work assignment. Upon completion of the training program, these engineers are assigned to Operations, Reservoir, and Facilities groups based on educational background, success in the training program, and Company needs. Two to four more years of development and experience after the training program are required to produce effective engineers. In this time frame the progress of each engineer is monitored regularly. The development time is a function of both the individual and the group to which he or she is assigned. All engineers attend two to three weeks of schools per year and the more advanced also go abroad for one to three months of schools and on-the-job training. Supervisors require an additional three to five years of experience after becoming effective engineers and normally attend a week of technical and supervisory schools per year.

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