
Tectonic fractures analysis of carbonate Baturaja formation, Pondok Tengah Field using coherence attributes

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

For a couple of decades, fractured reservoirs were detected by processing pre-stack seismic data for velocity and amplitude variation with azimuth or by analyzing multi-component P- and S-wave data. An alternative method for fracture reservoir detection using post-stack 3D seismic is coherence attributes. Seismic coherency is a measure of lateral changes in the seismic response caused by variation in structure, stratigraphy, lithology, and porosity. Map views of the Coherence Cube seismic data afford the opportunity to interpret stratigraphic features, such as channels, fault and fracture more clearly than conventional seismic data. In this study, we also used the FMI analyses of vertical wells to verify fracture orientation. In this study, tectonic fracture zones are associated with fault trends and areas of deformation such as structural corners and fault intersections (Faultrelated). From the coherence cube, we can see several discontinuity features that fit with fault zone characters and fracture distribution. The coherence attribute helps us to identify and enhance the complex faults which are responsible for the generation of natural fractures. By using this interpretation model, a better understanding of the fracture system of the Pondok Tengah Field was obtained.

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