
Texaco watercut monitor - microwave based technology

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

The patented Texaco Microwave Watercut Monitor is a new technology ready for field applications for the continuous measurement of the percent water in crude production streams over the entire 0 to 100% range. MeasuI ement accuracy is maintained despite changes in temperature, salinity, crude properties and the presence of gas. The monitor can continuously report emulsion status ( water- or oil-continuous), effectiveNaCl salinity and effective paraffin carbon number of the hydrocarbon phase. Operator interaction is minimized by automatic features such as auto-calibration, unattended operation at remote locations, long-term data storage in non-volatile memory, remote access options through SCADA systems and self-starting after power outages. Safe operation in oilfield locations is assured by the design \vhich has been approved by Factory Mutual Research for use in Class 1, Division 1 areas. This presentation will cover the features of this new technology.

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