
The mangrove model, can it be applied to hydrocarbon exploration in Indonesia?

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

The “Mangrove Model presented by Risk. and Rhodes (1 985) identified the potential of mangrove derived organic matter for hydrocarbon generation, this paper attempts to show its relevance for oil exploration in Indonesia. The spatial and temporal extent of mangrove vegetation is discussed and the ecological limits on mangrove development are described. Through modern studies of sedimentology and biochemistry a geological model for the generation and accumulation of hydrocarbons from a mangrove source is developed. The relationships of palynological and geochemical studies to the recognition of mangrove paleoenvironments is explored and the source potential of these sequences is discussed. The “ Mangrove Model and its implications are considered with regard to mangrove sediments in Indonesia and areas are identified where generation of hydrocarbons from a mangrove source is likely.

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