
The application of tubing conveyed perforating to development of intermediate and deep sands in Attaka Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 16th Ann. Conv., 1987

A new Attaka Field development program was started in November 1984. The objective of this program was to reverse the overall decline in production in Attaka field.The “Intermediate and “Deep sands were the reservoirs of interest. Their abundance and large areal extent account for a large volume of oil and gas.Many factors contributed to the success of this program including Tubing Conveyed Pwforating. This perforating technique has reduced completion time, formation damage, and maximized well production. This paper presents:1) an overall review of Attaka Field and the sands of interest2) a study of the determination of proper underbalance3) a discussion of operational aspects of tubing conveyed perforating4) cost comparisons between tubing conveyed perforating and wireline conveyed perforating and5) comparison of skin factors resulting from underbaterest perforating lanced perforating and overbalanced perforating.

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