
The array sonic .... a new technique for acoustic measurements

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

The sonic log is one of the most fundamental measurements made during the evaluation of a well. The measurement, in its classical sense, has been primarily used as a Geophysical tool. Today, there is available an enhanced sonic measurement that has applications which link all three disciplines of Petrophysics, Geophysics and Geology.This link is achieved through the analysis of the entire sonic wavetrain as it passes an array of digital receivers integrated in a dedicated logging sonde. The waveforms exhibit compressional, shear and Stoneley elastic modes, all of which contribute their own independent information. This is interpreted in terms of Transit Time, Interference, Energy, Amplitude, Power and Phase to yield a more complete description of acoustic phenomena.This paper presents “case history examples and applications from Indonesia which include, but are not limited to, Rock Mechanical Properties, Fracture Identification, Gas Detection and Enhanced Resolution.

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