
The art of stakeholder management in a PSC environment

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 39th Ann. Conv., 2015

Finding oil and gas is a science, mixed with a little luck, but operator stakeholder management in a PSC environment is more like an art form. There are many stakeholders to manage including government, investors, corporate head offices, suppliers, community and staff. One uncooperative stakeholder can hold up a billion dollar project and cost millions in lost project value and vital production. Some stakeholders will be aligned but others will not. This presentation will share some examples of how Santos has managed their stakeholders. It will reveal some of the techniques that worked and also those that did not. The presentation will demonstrate that awareness of stakeholders and their needs will be seen as a crucial beginning. From that point, having the right stakeholder management tools, resources and timing are all key to mastering this art.

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