
The development of CPI engineering personnel training, technology transfer and career path planning

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 20th Ann. Conv., 1991

The increasing complexities of oil exploration and production, especially the added emphasis on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes, place an added burden on engineering and training organizations to recruit, train, and transfer current technology to engineering graduates to meet the technical challenges facing PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI).CPI, a production sharing contractor to Pertamina, is the largest oil producer in Indonesia, with an annual production expected to exceed 700 MBOPD in 1991. Development by primary drilling and enhanced recovery are proceeding at a rapid pace. Duri, the second largest field in Indonesia, became the largest thermal enhanced recovery project in the world it. Q90 with dedication in March, 1990, by President Soeharto.Major EOR projects in other fields have been approved by BPIKA and are in the process of being implemented. CPI engineering departments consist of Petroleum Engineering, General Engineering and two special project groups for facility design and construction, one for the EOR projects and one for the Duri Steamflood (DSF). A comprehensive training, technology transfer and career path planning program has been developed and implemented to mature engineers in the various engineering disciplines. This impressive program,developed as a joint effort between the engineering and training organizations, is presented and discussed in this paper.

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