
The Employee Experience is the Future of Work: How Does Giving Back Program Have Positive Impact on the Workplace (Case Study on “Pertamina Energi Negeri” Program)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

As the key player of energy business in Indonesia, Pertamina commits to deliver the best services and corporate governance excellence by maintaining its talent, morale and performance. One of the core principles in Pertamina is commitment to develop its talent and encouraging employees to do their best at work. The latest Employee Value Proposition (EVP) survey that was conducted in 2016 found that nowadays employees are looking for more than a “job with benefits”. Moreover, Employee Engagement (EE) survey results in 2014 & 2015 indicate that the company needs to discover new strategies to improve its Employee Engagement score especially in the aspect of Leadership by Experience. The essence of the “workplace as an experience” is where all the elements of work—the physical, the emotional, the intellectual, and the aspirational—are blended to inspire employees. To answer the survey results, we introduced the Pertamina Energi Negeri (PEN) program in 2016 as an intervention to strengthen its Employee Engagement score and to exercise Leadership by Experience of the employees. PEN provides opportunities for employees to voluntarily teach elementary students about their jobs and inspire them to dream big. Pertamina has conducted PEN for two years (2016 & 2017), involving more than 775 employees, 51 elementary schools in 11 cities and inspiring more than 14,990 students across the country. Strong support from top management ensures the success of the program. Participation in PEN does not reduce an employee’s leave days and counts as positive insight in the employee’s annual performance review. Feedback from employees show that PEN improves their morale as a Pertamina employee and creates pride that Pertamina actively engages in community development. Regarding the leadership aspect, the volunteers confess that they are happy to have the opportunity to give back which is one of the key behaviors of “Fostering Collaboration”, one the core competencies of the company. These findings are in line with the employee engagement survey that increased 1.3 points from 83.9% (Q4 2015) to 85.20% (Q4 2017). All of the efforts made by Pertamina are not simply to improve its reputation. The company believes that successful CSR programs that require active involvement from their employees are prerequisites to achieving its vision to be a global player with sustainable practices.

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