
The future petrochemical industry from natural gas in Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

Natural gas in Indonesia is abundantly available and primarily utilized as an energy for domestic and export purposes. Natural gas often contains enough NGL to provide the necessary feedstock for olefin production. Methane is also available in big quantities and feeds most of the ammonia and methanol plants. The bulk of methane used in the petrochemical field is used for the production of synthesis gas (syngas). A great part of the research and development activity is devoted to Cl chemistry which could open the way for the use of methane and syngas as alternative resources for petrochemical purpose.Indonesia with a big domestic market and adequate natural gas, has to consider in developing petrochemical industries. Domestic demand for various petrochemicals continuosly increasing and data given from several sources is valuable information for establishment of petrochemical industries in Indonesia.

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