
The geological characteristics of hydrocarbon occurrence in East China

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 15th Ann. Conv., 1986

Under the strong subduction of the Pacific Plate with the Eurasia Plate, the East China platform suffered strong regional tensional stresses. The movements of the intracratonic spreading zones can be explained by the crustal extension resulting from uplifting of the ",Moho", and the solid rocks of upper mantle. The platform w$s broken and separated into many half-graben and graben type basins. The petroliferous basins of East China are mostly Meso-Cenozoic rifted-subsided types. They are characterized by lacustrine facies, notable evolutionary phases and variable oil/gas trap styles. More than 90% of the domestic crude oil is produced from the basins in east China.

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