
The Gunung Wayang-Windu geothermal area in West Java

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 15th Ann. Conv., 1986

Most geological, geochemical and geophysical data over the G. Wayang-Windu area indicate that it has characteristics similar to the Kamojang and Darajat Geothermal Fields. Electrical data which include Schlumberger and magnetotelluric surveys show a prospective area of about 35 km2 within which a young andesitic lava dome outcrops. These data also show that there are two resistive substrata beneath G. Wayang-Windu itself, at depths of about 500 m and greater than 1000 m. These substrata may correspond to andesites and breccias in which a 230°C steam dominated zone is likely to be found at the shallower level and a higher temperature two-phase reservoir at the deeper level.

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