
The Importance Of The Pseudo N-D Logs In Petrophysical Analysis Of Well Tembang-8ST4 (A Case Study)

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Typically, a complete set of standard log data (GRRes-ND) is required to conduct petrophysical analysis for a new well, allowing completion intervals to be quickly identified. This case study details workflows for petrophysical analysis when a full log suite is not available. Due to borehole limitations, only GR-Res LWD and cased-hole Neutron-Density were available for analysis at the Tembang–8ST4 development well. Hence, a pseudo Neutron – Density (N-D) log was generated enabling quick petrophysical analysis to determine completion intervals for the Tembang - 8ST4 well. The method for generating pseudo N-D logs is described using a Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The resulting pseudo logs were validated by comparison with cased-hole wireline N-D logs.

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