
The industry short course as a means of transferring hydrocarbon exploration knowledge to Indonesian geoscientists: a training dilemma ?

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

A significant aspect of the overall training of Indonesian geoscientists is to transfer fundamental geoscience knowledge and ",know-how", regarding hydrocarbon exploration in the most efficient and timely manner possible. After being carried to the appropriate level, Indonesia will become more manpower self-sufficient regarding hydrocarbon exploration. Achieving this objective also benefits oil and gas companies having investments in Indonesk because a well trained Indonesian staff will help assure continued profitability into the future. For many companies, carrying out the mission to transfer fundamental geoscience knowledge regarding hydrocarbon exploration to Indonesian geoscientists relies on the availability of locally taught geoscience industry short courses. These courses may be publicly offered or private in-house courses. The publicly offered geoscience industry short courses scheduled for Jakarta, which account for most of the offerings within Indonesia, are often under-enrolled if not cancelled altogether. Given that in general employees want training opportunities and companies want trained staff, it is difficult to rationalize why this happens, especially since it does not appear that training offerings are saturating the available participant base. Perhaps this implies that potential shortfalls in publicly offered training are being offset by private in-house training. Our discussion focuses on the public geoscience industry short course as an important vehicle for knowledge transfer. We offer an appraisal of public geoscience indust~y short course availability versus potential demand, discuss problems encountered when using it as a training option and give recommendations for improving over,dl implementation of training, especially regarding utilization of the geoscience industry short course.

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