
The New Potential of Fractured Basement Reservoir Identification with Integrated Seismic Attributes Analysis and Structural Modeling in Ogan Komering Block, South Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Naturally fractured basement reservoir is an established though under-explored play in many hydrocarbon provinces of Western Indonesia. The basement structure in the Ogan Komering block results from the complex history of the South Sumatra Basin. The Bandar Agung basement high is located at the southern boundary of the basin. It was proven to have trapped hydrocarbon in 2014 following the drilling of the BDA-1 well which flowed gas rate of 3.4 mmscf/d from a basement interval. We conducted fracture characterization and modelling of the Bandar Agung basement high to determine the characteristics and distribution of the natural fractures that can flow hydrocarbons. Seismic attribute analysis for fractured basement reservoir used variance attributes, measure the signal dissimilarity of waveform from traces, ant-track attributes, and amplitude attribute to support fractures analysis from the ant-track attributes. We constructed a deterministic fractures model of the block by integrating our FMI data and ant-track cube attributes. Fracture modelling in the basement shows a trend of high intensity fracture development centred on the fault zones and maximum curvature of the Bandar Agung basement high. Zone with fracture conditions that have entered the critical zone are identified to have a direction parallel to the main stress direction. Integration of methodology for fracture mapping in basement using structural model and seismic attribute analysis provide key input for further oil and gas field development.

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