
Transition-zone seismic surveys in Southeast Asia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 9th Ann. Conv., 1980

In many prospective areas of Southeast Asia the nature of the surfaLe changes across the area being surveyed and, consequently, the nature of the seismic techniques have to change. For example, a single seismic line might go from deep water marine, through a reef area and lagoon, across a surf zone and barrier island, into marsh and swamp. and finally end up in a river. Areas where neither normal land or normal marine techniques are applicable are called ",transition zones",. In such zones, acquisition techniques may change within short distances. Data quality may also change rapidly. Processing can remove some of the variations which rcsult from the changes of techniques or of near-surface conditions. This paper discusses seismic operations in ",transition zones", and the special processing which transition- zone data may require.

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