
Updating of Indonesian Tertiary sedimentary basins

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 32nd Ann. Conv., 2008

Since 1980, the Indonesian Government has officially recognized sixty Tertiary Sedimentary Basins within its boundaries, but informally, the number ranges from less than 60 up to 66 basins. In some areas, stratigraphic and tectonic conditions overlap layers between Tertiary and Pre Tertiary Basins. As a basic platform for research and development, regulations and policies there is a need to update the number of basins periodically. A sedimentary basin is a part of the earths crust where sediments have been deposited in greater thicknesses then its surrounding area. Nomenclature concerned with sedimentary basin classification is based on: type of plate where basin exists, basin position in the plate margin, type of plate interaction, time development of basin and basin fill with respect to tectonics and shape.This study updates the records of Indonesian sedimentary basins based on present status and current understanding of geological characterization. For example, Pembuang formerly was considered as a basin but now is defined as part of Barito Basin. Other cases relate to changes of status from exploratory basin to producing basin, such as Banggai and Bone.The New Version of Indonesian Tertiary Sedimentary Basin Map can be utilized as basic data for development of science and technology, to support government policy and to assist oil and gas exploration and production.

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