
Use of risk analysis at Total

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 12th Ann. Conv., 1983

General risk analysis methology is described and explained. Then, a recent study performed by TOTALCFP is described: risk analysis of a special safety device, TOTALCFP patented, the fire-fighting water injection-spool.Some of the outcomes of this study are:- a company reliability data bank is of prime importance for loss prevention,- methods used in the nuclear industry must be adapted to the oil industry problems.Our technological research in that field is then described.The establishment of our reliability data bank consists of:- a pragmatic step:-establishment of a ",Preliminary reliability data book", from those currently used,-collection of reliability data on equipment used on drilling and work-over rig,-study of the human factor.- and of a conventional step: gathering of reliability data and maintenance data in TOTAL subsidiaries.On the other hand, best available methods to analyse oil industry problems are to be found through case studies:- analysis of the ",blow out during a work-over", risk,- reliability study of dynamic positioning system.Explanations of these efforts are given.

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