
Using hydraulic fracture treatments to enhance productivity in the KL Area, Offshore North West Java Sea, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

The KL Massive is a sandstone reservoir located in the KL Area, Offshore North West Java Basin (ONWJ), Indonesia. Existing wells were originally completed in the Talang Akar Formation. A workover program was undertaken to abandon watered out intervals and recomplete in the KL Massive sands. The KL Massive reservoirs are composed of a series of laminated moderately permeable channel sands characterized by high clay and glauconite content. The mineralogical characteristics of these sands lead to potentially high levels of induced formation damage during both drilling and completion. Reservoir stimulation is required to overcome this near wellbore formation damage and enhance productivity.This paper will detail a case history of the successful application of hydraulic fracture treatments to bypass near wellbore damage. It will outline the design process and techniques utilized to maximize the economic return of this recompletion technique. Stimulation modelling and criteria for selection of the fracturing materials and parameters will be summarized. Results of the first well workover program, which achieved a 400 % productivity improvement, will be presented along with the impact on recoverable reserves. This case history provides one example of how the application of new technology can enhance the productivity and extend the operating life of Indonesian Oilfields.

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