
Workflow For Pore Pressure And Horizontal Stress Field Estimation In Vertical Wells Using Well Data In The "X" Field In South Sumatra

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The study area is in the Muara Dua Basin. All wells in the study area were drilled from the Palembang Formation to Pre-Tertiary basement. Only one well out of the four wells did not reach the Pre-Tertiary basement. The drilling reports indicated that no overpressured sections were encountered in any of the wells, even though minor hole problems were encountered during the drilling process. Hole problems were encountered in every well and included tight hole, bridging after a bit trip, bit balling and one of the wells experienced a gas bubble. The analysis of the geomechanical parameters in the study area used the available wireline data from the four wells. Methods applied for constructing the geomechanical parameters were the Eaton equation for the pore pressure estimation and Matthews & Kelly for fracture gradient estimation which was then fine-tuned with formation integrity test results. No leak off test data is available in the study area. The maximum horizontal estimation stress was determined using E.M. Anderson’s equilibrium frictional fault theory. The Eaton exponent analysis of the study area showed that the best fit is 0.4 for pore pressure from resistivity estimation and 3.0 for estimation from the sonic log. The fracture gradient gave satisfactory results when 0.85 was used as the matrix stress coefficient. The estimation of frictional coefficient from the iterations is believed to be 0.56 and from using this coefficient a maximum horizontal stress for the study area can be estimated. The dataset for the study area does not include any core data to correlate and adjust the proposed All of the rock properties derived from an empirical equation from other researchers from areas located some distance from the study area. A future study on geomechanical parameters is recommended to perform a calibration of the estimation and to establish the wireline derived best estimation of geomechanical parameters of the study area.

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